- Company Information
- Greetings from the President
Message from the President

Representative: Keishi Ikeuchi
We would like to continue to walk forward together with our customers.
IKEUCHI ORGANIC will celebrate its 70th anniversary on February 11, 2023. I often say in my speeches that we have created our brand together with our customers, but this is not a pretty story.
Looking back, it was 1999 when we launched our first organic towel, "ORGANIC 120," and set our company's goal of maximum safety and minimum environmental impact. Since then, IKEUCHI ORGANIC has been created through a series of steady improvements based on various suggestions from our customers who are highly conscious of the environment and safety.
Today, when I talk with our customers, I sense that the number of people who are highly conscious of the environment and human rights is increasing. I am particularly surprised by the high level of awareness among the younger generation. We live in an age in which customers can easily see through our efforts to be environmentally conscious, even if we are riding a boom.
That is why it is important for us to open ourselves up and engage in dialogue with our customers. We must make our product data traceable, of course, from raw material procurement to production and disposal. Are we making corporate efforts to reduce the burden we place on the environment and society? We need to make sure that we communicate this to our customers.
We will continue to make steady improvements while listening to our customers and pursuing our company philosophy of "maximum safety and minimum environmental impact." This is the kind of organic company we are aiming for. We look forward to your continued support of IKEUCHI ORGANIC.

Tetsuya Abe, President and Representative Director
Expanding the circle of empathy that transcends industries, business sectors, and people
As exemplified by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we are entering an era in which companies are increasingly expected to respond responsibly to environmental and social issues. Nevertheless, many issues are becoming increasingly complex, and even if we have a vision of an ideal world, it is not always easy to achieve in a straightforward manner.
It takes time to tackle problems and change the roots of society. So, rather than shouting out loud about the problems, it would be healthier to work earnestly on manufacturing based on what we believe is the ideal world. We deliver what we believe to be "good products" to our customers, and we hope that they will understand our ideas as they are pleased with our products. This is our stance.
Thankfully, we are meeting more and more people who share our ideas, including customers, various companies, and athletes. By sharing our vision and awareness of issues with these people, a chemical reaction occurs and something new is born. We feel that there is great potential to change society.
What is important in realizing a sustainable society is to create a cycle. We do not seek to solve increasingly complex problems on our own, but rather to move forward together with those who share our thoughts and ideas.
IKEUCHI ORGANIC will be a catalyst for the expansion of a circle of empathy that transcends industries, business sectors, and people. We would like to be a banner for such a movement. We look forward to your continued support for IKEUCHI ORGANIC.